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Model Generator

Issue: Unable to use Model Generator for the SDK

Solution: Check user permissions

Verify that your user has the following permissions:

  • enosix Model Generator permission set
  • Appropriate profiles have the enosix SDK ensxsdk Model Generator Bridge custom permission

TIP: You won't see this permission listed under Edit for the profile. Click on the profile link and scroll to the bottom of the page (see steps 6 - 9 listed below).

To ensure that your user has the proper permission set and that Model Generator Bridge is enabled under Profiles, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Setup.
  2. Use the Setup Quick Find box to search for "Permission", then click on the Permission Sets link.
  3. Click on enosix Model Generator Bridge under the Permission Set Label column.
  4. Click on the Manage Assignments button.
  5. Verify that your user is assigned to the enosix Model Generator Bridge permission set (add them to this permission set, if necessary).
  6. In the Setup Quick Find box, type "Profiles", then click on the Profiles link.
  7. Select the desired profile name (example: Custom: Sales Profile).
  8. Scroll down to the bottom of the profile settings.
  9. Verify that the enosix SDK ensxsdk Model Generator Bridge custom permission is listed in the Enable Custom Permissions box.