SAP Customer Partners
The SAP Customer Partners component determines what customer partners information from your SAP instance displays within Salesforce.
- This component can be configured to filter partners by sales org, distribution channel, and/or division to reduce the number of partners listed in the results.
- Results are pageable (you can select how many records per page you want to display).
- You can refresh the search results by clicking on the refresh icon in the upper right corner of the component.
Configuring the SAP Customer Partners Component on FlexiPages
The following settings control fields that display Customer Partners information on FlexiPages. Use these settings to control which customer partners information from your SAP instance displays within Salesforce.
- Display House Number - Displays before the street name within the Street: field (check this field only if clients use a separate field to store House Number from Street Name).
- Display Street - Displays after house number within the Street: field.
TIP: If House Number is stored in BOTH a separate House Number field AND within the Street field, you should uncheck the Display House Number field.
- If Display House Number is unchecked, it will NOT remove the house number from being listed before the street name within the Street field.
- If Display Street is unchecked, both the house number and the street name (the entire Street field) will be removed from view.
Additional fields:
- Display Sales Area - Displays Sales Org, Distribution Channel, and Division (if unchecked, all 3 fields will be removed from view).
- Title - Displays an alternate title within the component in place of the default Customer Partners heading (this title displays only if Display Header is checked).
- Layout Mode - This drop-down lets you to decide whether the component information should be displayed in a table format or in a tiled format. The tile format may be preferable for mobile devices.
- Limit Partners by Sales Org - Enter a Sales Org ID to filter the results by a particular sales org (this can be used in conjunction with other filters).
- Limit Partners by Distribution Channel - Enter a Distribution Channel ID to filter the results by a specific distribution channel (this can be used in conjunction with other filters).
- Limit Partners by Division - Enter a Division ID to filter the results by a specific division (this can be used in conjunction with other filters).