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Lightning Flows and FlexiPages

Salesforce supports two methods for configuring Lightning components: Lightning Flows and FlexiPages. Lightning Flows are the recommended configuration method and are your only option if you want to support mobile devices and Salesforce Experience Cloud (formerly known as Communities). Lightning Flows accommodate custom workflows and, when compared to FlexiPages, support a broader usage of enosix components across all of Salesforce.

Surface provides multiple Lightning components (example: SAP Customer Details or SAP Customer Credit) for Flow Builder and Lightning App Builder that display common groups of SAP Information that business users want to see in Salesforce.

When you place a Surface Lightning component on a Lightning page, you can choose which fields you want to show/hide based on the SAP system information that you want to display.

Lightning App Builder

Since you can place Surface’s Lightning components in a Lightning Flow or a FlexiPage, you must decide whether a Lightning Flow or a FlexiPage works best for you.

Document Navigation

For the SAP Document search components there are two methods of navigation. The default method is to launch a flow in a modal dialog, this has the benefit of staying on the page where the search component is located, additionally the document detail navigation is handled through flow. The legacy way is to use redirection to flexi pages via tabs. Navigation via flexi pages is slower and cause the browser to navigate away from the Account page causing a slower navigation experience. Refer to the Upgrading page on the details of migrating to using flows.

Flow Builder