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Configure Transformations

This is where we will be mapping specific fields from your SAP system to the fields you want populated in Salesforce. There is more you can do on this screen but we will not get into that in this example.

(For more information about configuration options go to Transformations)

1. Choose Configure

Link dashboard

2. Click Browse Source Schema

Browse Source Schema is a link under Source on the left

Transformations screen

You will see the list of source fields and their data type from the Custoemr Sync RIO.

Source schema screen

3. Click Start Mapping

Click on the Start Mapping button to the right of NAME1.

  • Source is prepopulated on the left with NAME1.

5. Set Target field

For the Target field search for and select Name(Account Name).

6. Click Keep

Edit mapping screen

You will see your first mapped field on the transformations screen.

Transformations first mapping

7. Click New Mapping

  • Set Source to Customer Number.
  • Set Target to Account Number.
  • Click Keep button.
    • Now all the fields are mapped for this example and they are highlighted in yellow until you save changes.
  • Click on the green Save Changes button.

Fields Mapped

8. Go to Link Dashboard

Click on Customer Sync in the breadcrumb trail in the top left of the screen

Breadcrumb trail

You are now back on Link Dashbaord and should see 2 Total Mappings listed under transformations.

Link Dashboard

Next we will configure the Data Target.