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Data Source


These settings allow you to configure all of the SAP settings needed for your link.

Adapter Settings


Named CredentialREQUIRED The named credential to use to connect to SAP.
Sync RIO "Date From" FieldREQUIRED The RIO field where the last successful sync date OR minimum date from date is passed into. You will need to obtain this field name from the RIO in your SAP system. Example: Customer Sync RIO Date From field is DATE_FROM.
Sync RIO "Initial Load" FieldREQUIRED The RIO field where a full run (initial load) is passed into. You will need to obtain this field name from the RIO in your SAP system. Example: Customer Sync RIO is X_INITITALLOAD.
Minimum Date From (PST)Allows the user to specify a date and time to be used. This replaces X_INITIALLOAD and causes the HTTP request body to contain the Minimum "Date From" date and time in place of the X that signifies an initial load. If a Run Now is executed and a last successful run date is available and a Minimum "Date From" date is set, then the sync run process will choose whichever date is most recent. If a Full Run is executed Minimum "Date From" date and time will be used.
SAP Timezone Offset (in hours)Allows the user to specify an offset from UTC that should be used when sending the Date From value to SAP. Example: If your SAP instance should be sent the Date From in UTC-4, set this field to -4.0.
CIDOverride the CID to use for the sync runs (e.g. BO). The CID identifies a specific version of a RIO. The CID option is only required if using a RIO that has a CID.
SAP Language CodeOverride the SAP language code to use for the connection (e.g. DE, EN, or ES). If field is left blank, the default language assigned in SAP will be set.
SAP ClientOverride the SAP client to use for the connection. If field is left blank, the default client assigned in SAP will be set.
Callout Logging ClassThe custom Salesforce class that implements Callable to use for logging.
Search Criteria ClassThe Search Criteria Class option allows a user to enter the name of a custom-built Apex callable search criteria class. The purpose of the search criteria class is to help customize syncs by providing additional search context data. These classes help refine sync results through building parameters into the request body, which allows the user to narrow down results. See Search Criteria Class Feature for examples. This allows the user to specify a custom callable class that specifies any parameters desired to be inserted within the HTTP request body.
Max PagesThe Max Pages indicates the maximum number of pages that will be synced in a single run. This can be used to break up larger syncs that may exceed Salesforce Governor Limits on their own.
Start PageThe Start Page can be used in conjunction with Max Pages to do a partial run of a large sync. Example: a sync that would take 30 pages could be run in 3 chunks by settings Max Pages to 10, and Start Page to 1, 11, and 21 successively.