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Certificates Update

Setting up Alerts

To ensure administrators are notified when there is an issue preventing the cloud connector from operating correctly, one can set up email alerts to notify when there's an issue with its connectivity.

Follow the steps in the link below to enable email alerts:

Updating Certificates

When updating certificates, there can be potential downtime if a certificate expires. To avoid this, update your subaccount's certificate by following the steps in this link:

Roles for updating

To update certificates users will have to have correct permissions for their BTP account. BTP is separated into feature sets, A and B.

To determine which feature set to use, refer to the following guide:

Feature A requires one of the following two roles:

  • Global Account member
  • Security Administrator (must be Global Account member or Cloud Foundry Org/Space member)

Feature B requires one of the following two roles:

  • Destination Administrator
  • Destination Certificate Administrator

See also