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Routes to Proxies Transition

Routes URL to Destination Proxies

Destination service must be bound.

Follow this guide to bind a Destination Service Instance: Binding Service Instances to Cloud Foundry Applications.

A destination must be created for each unique SAP URL. Each destination must be OnPremise, HTTP and NoAuth (this will passthrough authentication from each request), see table Configure Destination service in SAP BTP

Reconfiguring Routes user will need to set up two Server variables and two Proxies variables:

  • Servers__1__BTP__DestinationName where Destination Name is used instead of URL.

  • Servers__1__Name is any meaningful name for the connection.

  • Proxies__0__Path is going to replace routes__[name]__token.

  • Proxies__0__Server will have a value of the Servers__1__Name to indicate connection particular Proxy is going to use.