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User Manual

This user manual will guide you in getting started with the enosix connector for MuleSoft.


This document assumes that you are familiar with Mule4, Anypoint Connectors, and Anypoint Studio. This page requires some basic knowledge of Mule Concepts, Components in a Mule Flow, and Global Elements

Hardware and Software Requirements

For hardware and software requirements, please visit the Hardware and Software Requirements page.

Mule Compatibility

Mule Runtime4.3.x and later
Anypoint Studio7.13.x and later

enosix SAP Framework

To use this connector, you need to have a license for the enosix SAP Framework and have the framework configured.

Installing the Connector

You can install the connector in Anypoint Studio using the instructions in Installing a Connector from Anypoint Exchange.

Maven Dependency Information

After downloading and installing the connector, the enosix connector will be available inside a Mule application for use and will be packaged with the application. Using Anypoint Studio, it will add the Maven dependency automatically.

Check the pom.xml file and make sure you have the dependency



  1. After adding the enosix Connector dependency to your mule project, click on the Global Elements tab at the base of the canvas.

  2. In the Global Mule Configuration Elements screen, click Create.

  3. In the filter window, search for enosix and select the Enosix Config from the connector.

Connection option(s)

enosix SAP connector supports two different connection mechanisms from 4.0.0 release.

  1. Basic authentication connection

  2. Pass through connection

You can see both connection mechanisms in this screen shot.

Connection options

Basic authentication connection : Standard username and password to connect SAP along with other required common parameters.

Connection tab

Field NameTypeValueRequired
URLStringEnter the SAP UrlX
UsernameStringEnter the SAP usernameX
PasswordStringEnter the SAP passwordX
XSD PathStringCreate a folder under mule project {mule_project}/src/main/resource/{enosix_xsd} and select this pathX
ClientintEnter the number for your SAP client
LanguageStringEnter a language to be passed on the sap-language parameter
Session ClosebooleanEnter whether to leave the session open or closed after each request. Defaults to TrueX
Response Timeout Unitjava.util.concurrent.TimeUnitEnter the unit of time to wait for a reply from the enosix SAP Framework. Defaults to SECONDS
Response TimeoutintEnter the amount of time to wait for a reply from the enosix SAP Framework

Basic authentication connection

Pass through connection : Bearer token used to connect SAP along with other required common parameters.

Pass through connection

Example screenshot of General configuration tab

Global Config

Proxy tab

Proxy config supports the standard proxy configuration for http(s) calls. Proxy config has three options

NoneNo proxy configuration and default
Edit InlineProxy config from UI with required Host, Port and optional Username, Password & Non proxy hosts
Global ReferenceThis supports mule stand bean defination for proxy

Example screenshot Proxy Edit Inline option

Proxy Config

TLS tab

TLS Configuration has three options

NoneNo TLS configuration and default works for http based clients
Edit InlineThis is TLS configuration from UI and provide the details or Choose Insecure check box for https calls without TLS.
Global ReferenceThis supports TLS configuration as a global config.

Example screenshot of TLS Edit Inline option for https call with Insecure option.

Tls Config

Use the Test Connection button to confirm the provided values are valid and a successful connection to the enosix SAP Framework can be established.


The following operations are provided by the connector. Each operation is able to access multiple SAP Objects using the enosix Framework for SAP.


Check ConnectionValidate connection to SAP & Authentication. Usefull for building health checks.
SearchSearch for SAP Objects using enosix SAP RIO framework. Ex, Orders, Invoices, Customers, Materials
GetRetrieve the details of a SAP Object using the document number or key.
CreateCreate SAP Objects using enosix SAP RIO framework.
UpdateModify SAP Objects using enosix SAP RIO framework.
CommandExecute custom operations on SAP Objects. EX: Pricing Simulation, BOM Explosion.
ExecuteExecute system RFC's & BAPI functions from SAP using enosix SAP framework.

Connector Namespace and Schema

When designing your application in Anypoint Studio, dragging operations provided by the enosix Connector onto the Anypoint Studio canvas will automatically populate the flow XML code with the connector namespace and schema location.

To add this manually, the Namespace and Schema Location values are:

Schema Location

Example Empty Mule Flow

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<mule xmlns:enosix=""
<!-- Add your global configurations here -->