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New application for ServiceNow platform certified for San Diego and Tokyo is now available at the ServiceNow Store. 🏬

enosix SAP Integration for Purchase Order, PO & Asset Management enables ServiceNow customers to generate and support real-time purchasing requests for IT Assets (ITAM, HAM, SAM) from their SAP ECC or S/4HANA ERP systems through a virtualized view in their ServiceNow Procurement application.

Purchase Order Creation

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  • Procurement user completes required fields for SAP Purchase Order form:
  1. SAP Plant: value equivalent to the ServiceNow stockroom
  2. Purchasing Organization: list of Purchasing Organizations specific to the selected plant
  3. Company Code: auto-populated value based on selected plant
  4. SAP Vendor: list of vendors specific to Purchasing Organization selected
  5. Purchasing Group: list of buyers (can be defaulted to a specific buyer(s))
  6. SAP Material ID: list of all SAP materials


  • Purchase Order validated in SAP, errors are displayed to the user


  • Purchase Order submitted in SAP the PO number displayed in ServiceNow


  • PO number displayed in blue banner above ServiceNow PO header. SAP PO number can be verified in ME23N T-code.

SAP UI Order Action

Once a Purchase Order record is created in ServiceNow, adding each line item, the procurement user can generate a PO by clicking the SAP Order button.


Guided App Setup

A wizard to guide you through setting up your configuration and validating in SAP

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Test SAP Connection

Admin can validate SAP connection by selecting a REST Method, selecting an API from the drop-down, and clicking the Test button. Code 200 indicates that the connection is valid. In case of errors, the admin can troubleshoot the connection based on the error code received.

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When you run a Link, all SOURCE fields are synced and displayed within a record of a Sync Event. This feature provides a greater visibility on all SAP SOURCE fields not just the mapped fields.


2) New Adapter Configuration Options

Additional configuration options are included when configuring the Link’s Source Adapter. To improve performance and filter data at the SAP system-level.


  • Prevent unwanted old data being retrieved with the Minimum Date From option
    The Minimum Date From configuration option is used to ensure no date prior to this value is passed in the Date From Field.
  • Filter Source Data in SAP with the Filter Class option
    To prevent syncing unwanted data from SAP, the new Filter Class allows you to filter records in a Link. A callable Apex class specifies additional parameters for the enosix Search Context and can be configured to limit the data processed in the SAP system.

3) Constants Filter

The Constants Filter allows you to add static values to the source fields of a record so they can be used by mapping and other fields.

Follow these steps to configure the constantsFilter in Transformations:

  1. Click the include button next to the constants filter
  2. Bring the filter on the top, above all Mappings
  3. Click the Save Changes button
  4. Add a Field Name and Value
  5. Click Save Changes

The value assigned to this filter will be displayed in the Source and Destination fields after mapping.


4) Data Type are displayed in the Source Schema

Data Type are displayed in Transformations to represent fields in the source schema.


  • [Feature]: All source fields in search results are passed into the link
  • [Feature]: A Filter Class configuration option has been added to allow a link administrator to modify the Search Context, filtering what data is retrieved at the SAP system
  • [Feature]: A Constants filter can now be used in links to inject a field with a constant value into the source schema
  • [Feature]: Source data is correctly converted into date, boolean, and decimal data types based on the source schema
  • [Feature]: A Minimum Date From configuration option has been added to ensure unwanted old data will not be retrieved

WHAT'S NEW: 📣 GO LIVE with our enosix New Support Portal 👉 📣

(All customers should have received an email from

WHEN: Monday, December 5 GO LIVE!! 🎉

Here is the recorded webinar for you: 📹

Topics covered:

  • General Information
  • How do you access our NEW Support Portal?
  • What information should you gather to submit a Support Request?
  • How do you get access to the Support Portal for a Co-worker?
  • Additional Documentation
  • Question?

We want to hear from you. Please take a minute to tell us about our webinar:

WHAT'S NEW: Please join our webinar to introduce our NEW Cloud-based enosix Support Portal

WHEN: Monday, December 5th at 11 am EST

WHAT: Training Objectives:

  • General Information

  • How do you access our NEW Support Portal?

  • What information should you gather to submit a Support Request?

  • How do you get access to the Support Portal for a Co-worker?

  • Additional Documentation

  • Questions?

HOW: Register in advance for this webinar:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

WHAT'S NEW: With the Winter '23 release, the improved Named Credentials schema works through External Credentials. The External Credentials are the root between connection to a system, permission to access, and the individual user token/password. Basic Authorization isn't supported in this release.

UPDATE: You can still use and create Legacy named credentials as before. Select the New Legacy button (click the arrow next to the New button).

New Legacy button

NOTE: The Named Credentials and new External Credentials have no impact on our enosix solutions as the Basic Authorization is NOT supported in this release.

To access Surface Product Documentation: Post Installation Steps> Named Credentials



In this video, you will learn how our name enosix originated, our story - founded by whom and when, and an introduction to our Methods of Integration.

✨ ReleaseNotes has a New Look just for you! Take a look! 👀

The enosix logo on the top left will take you to our website.

1️⃣ WHAT'S NEW is our ReleaseNotes homepage. What that means is this page will list ALL releases.

2️⃣ PRODUCTS includes all enosix products, and clicking on a product will take you to all the releases for that product.

Products Tab

3️⃣ RESOURCES include Announcements, Documentation, and Training options.

  • The Announcements tab is for new product announcements and other updates from enosix.
  • The Documentation will take you to our documentation page.
  • The Training page is coming soon for you.

Resources Tab

Don't forget to click the Subscribe button (to subscribe to everything) if you haven't done so.

Screen Shot 2022-06-27 at 7

💬 We want to hear from you!

  • [Bugfix]: Fixed UI defects in the Customer Details component

Store Configuration Component Initializes Default Values

The Initialize button appears when a new configuration option is introduced; clicking on this button will set the default values for any unset settings.

B2B Commerce _1

Provides the enosix Product Detail Template component to demonstrate integration with enosix Product Detail API

Use the enosix Product Detail Template as reference to return real-time data from SAP for your Product Detail page.

Confirmed checkout with Salesforce B2B Synchronous Checkout

enosix B2B integration has been tested inside the new Salesforce B2B Synchronous Checkout flow to provide the same checkout process; however, it is faster without the delayed message.

Updated the enosix B2B Commerce Package

The “enosix B2B Commerce” is a single package installed. The Standard and Professional packages will not be required or installed.

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👉 The following features were improved:

1️⃣ Cart Bubble

The cart bubble includes the total count of items currently in your cart and is updated regardless of where you add products to your cart.

2️⃣ Complete Order

You can now see the “Total” amount for a completed order after the order has been completed and processed in the application on the Item Details Page.

3️⃣ Date Available

The Product Availability data is provided by the enosix Product Detail API.

  • [Feature]: Store Configuration Component Initializes Default values
  • [Feature]: Provides the enosix Product Detail Template component to demonstrate integrating with enosix Product Detail API
  • [Update]: Confirmed checkout with Salesforce B2B synchronous checkout
  • [Update]: Updated the enosix B2B Commerce package
  • [Bugfix]: Cart Bubble is updated when products are added to cart
  • [Bugfix]: Total is populated when viewing completed order
  • [Bugfix]: Data Available is being displayed for product details